Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: Arne Bechensteen, Outils pour la physique, 42h, L1, Polytech Nice Sophia, France

  • Licence: Arne Bechensteen, Programmation impérative PeiP1, 12h, L1, Polytech Nice Sophia, France

  • Master: Arne Bechensteen, Traitement Numérique des Images, 10h, M2, Polytech Nice Sophia, France

  • Master: Florence Besse, genetic tools for the study of neuronal networks, 4h, Université Côte d'Azur, France.

  • Master: Florence Besse, RNA localization and neuronal morphology, 4h, Université Côte d'Azur, France.

  • Master: Laure Blanc-Féraud, management of the module Traitements numériques des images (24h), teaching 5h CM.

  • Master : Eric Debreuve, scientific image processing, 9h EqTD, master SVS, Université Côte d'Azur, France

  • Master/Engineer : Debreuve, data mining, 27h EqTD, M2/Engineer 5, Université Côte d'Azur, France

  • Master: Xavier Descombes, Traitement d’images, Analyse de données, Techniques avancées de traitement d’images, 10h Eq. TD, Niveau M2, ISAE, France.

  • Master: Xavier Descombes, Traitement d’images, master VIM, 12h Eq. TD, Niveau M2, Université Côte d’Azur, France.

  • Master: Xavier Descombes, Bio-imagerie, master IRIV, 6h Eq. TD, Niveau M2, Université de Strasbourg, France

  • Master: Xavier Descombes, Analyse d’images, master GBM, 9h Eq. TD, Niveau M2, Université Côte d’Azur, France.

  • Master: Xavier Descombes, Traitement d'images scientifiques, master SVS, 6h Eq. TD Niveau M2, Université Côte d'Azur.

  • Master : Anca Grapa, Traitement d'images, master GBM, 12h Eq. TD, Niveau M1, Université Côte d'Azur, France.

  • Master : Anca Grapa, Compression, Analysis and Visualization of Multimedia Content, master SSTIM (GMD), Niveau M2, 14h Eq. TD, PolyTech Nice Sophia, France.


  • PhD in progress: Arne Bechensteen, TIRF-MA and super-resolution by sparse estimation method, 2 October 2017, Laure Blanc-Féraud, Gilles Aubert, Sébastien Schaub.

  • PhD in progress: Anca-Ioana Grapa, Characterization of the organization of the Extracellular Matrix (ECM) by Image Processing , 19 September 2016, Laure Blanc-Féraud, Xavier Descombes, E. van Obberghen, (iBV).

  • PhD in progress: Sarah Laroui, Classification and modelling of botrytis cinerea fungi growth from microscope images: toward the establishment of links between phenotypes and antifongic molecules, 1st August 2018, Eric Debreuve, Xavier Descombes

  • PhD in progress: Emmanuelle Poulain, Fluoroscopy/CTA dynamic registration, 1st february 2016, Grégoire Malandain.


  • Baptiste Pouthier, Hierarchical deep learning for zooplankton image classification, Polytech Nice-Sophia Antipolis, UNS/UCA - MAM4, Eric Debreuve (sup.).

  • Simon Bahadoran, Deep learning for PALM superresolution in fluorescence microscopy. Supervisors: Laure Blanc-Féraud, Eric Debreuve.

  • Cédric Girard Riboulleau, Morphological tracking of organoids for the prostate cancer, Master BIM, Université Côte D'Azur, Xavier Descombes (sup.).

  • Guillaume Lavisse, Detection, classification and characterization of mitochondrial networks: application to Alzheimer desease and cancer, Master BIM, Université Côte D'Azur, Xavier Descombes (sup.).

  • Raphael Pages, Quantitative analyse of vesicles transport within the Left/Right organizer in the zebrafish, Master MAPI3, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse, Xavier Descombes (sup.).


  • Laure Blanc-Féraud participated to the PhD thesis committees of Clara Barbanson (Télécom ParisTech & ONERA) as member, Quentin Denoyelle (Ceremade, Dauphine University) as president, William Meiniel (Pasteur Institute) as president, and to the HDR jury of Nabil El Korso (Paris Nanterre university) as member.

  • Xavier Descombes participated to the PhD committes of Agustina Razetti (Morpheme) as supervisor, Tran Thi Nhu Hoa (IPAL, Singapore and Sorbonne University), Amine Benomar (Tlemcen University, Algeria) and Jessica Sodjo (Bordeaux University) as a reviewer and Jean-Dominique Favreau (Titane, Inria) as an examinator. He was reviewer in the HDR juries of Sylvain Faisan (Strasbourg University) and Adel Hafiane (Orléans University).

  • Grégoire Malandain participated as reviewer to the PhD thesis committee of Ketan Bacchuwar (Paris Est univ.), Marc Filippi (Grenoble Alpes univ.), Julie Robic (Paris Est univ.), as member to the PhD thesis committee of Bertha Mayela Toledo Acosta (Rennes I univ.), and as reviewer to the HDR thesis committee of Antoine Vacavant (Clermont Auvergne univ.).